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Raspberry chipotle dressing

 Raspberry chipotle dressing

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In this article I will explain to  you the best way to make a raspberry chipotle sauce ,this is going to be a take on the sauce that we used to buy every-time from the store.At first the ingredients we are going be using for this sauce

.some fresh raspberries , and chipotle peppers , we put them in there , almost like you would bacon if you were going to be flavoring something we're not gonna actually want this to be in the sauce ,it's just going to give it a smoky flavor,i have some garlic that I'm going have sliced up, and I have some roasted jalapeno here and these are some sliced onions, so our first step is going be well , and we have oil a little bit of oil on the stove, so my first step is going be to get some of these things roast it up a little, so we are gonna to take our over the stove , and get started, the first thing i'm going to do is get my onions, and my garlic i will just going cook it down ,this work a little bit they're probably going cook it for about 5 minutes , and this is kind of a medium heat i don't want to burn the garlic ,so keep an eye out on that someone let that go 5 minutes, then we'll be on to the next step-down , i will starting to get a little bit of caramelization ,now what we're going to do is we add a little bit of water, just to kind of cover it . Now we're gonna to throw in our dried chipotle peppers ,and we're going to let this simmer for a while ,and let all that smokiness come out, then once that's done we're going to pull them out make sure here's been going about 30 minutes, and now we're going to pull these and if you can tell it was just kind of under a simmer , now go ahead and pull these smoked dried chipotle peppers out , it should be enough smokiness in there . Now another option that we do have is we can use something like that, product there we think that the sauce gives a little bit of an aftertaste, so we only use this for like marinades personally,but we could use those instead of those dried peppers, so if we have that just go ahead and add our raspberries to this . Now i'm going to cover it a little bit more, and keep it just under a simmer, this cooking down for about 30 minutes, this is kind of the consistency that we're looking for , and really the there's not a lot of liquid in there, the raspberries are all broken down, and it just smells , we can smell the raspberries , i can smell kind of that smoky flavor, well it's time to pull this it all out of the pot and get it in your blender , and finish this mixture in your blender , we can use white vinegar apple cider vinegar, and we can use any kind of vinegar we want , i want a little bit of acid in most glazes , we're making this is more of a sauce and a glaze i want some acid in there , so i will hit it with some vinegar, and hit it with honey, now we just use straight-up sugar this if as want and blend this up i will hit it for a little bit i don't want to over blend it so we're pull this out , see if it's ready, or not the consistency if it's not thick enough and put it back on the stove but let's pull this out and taste it , and see if i need to take another step so we had everything blended up in the blender, and it came out a little thinner than what we're looking for , we needed to add just a little bit of salt to it, and we add a bit of salt get it back on the stove cook it down a little bit we want this to be on the thicker side, so once you get it, it's thick as you wanted , now you can see what that looks like then be jarring it up and getting ready for a taste test , well we finally finished up this sauce , we have a jar and it is a pretty thick sauce and if we can kind of tell the thickness it's like a kind of like a thick gravy we really haven't had a chance to taste this yet and it's fully developed form , so let's take a taste and see what's up with it, all right we can definitely taste the raspberries not a whole lot of sugar it is sweet, but it's not overpoweringly sweet , those smoked peppers you put in there definitely brought in some of that smoky flavor the heat level on it is pretty low we're talking about like a 2 out of 10 as far as heat goes it's a little smoother than we want, but next time you do it , we're not going to run it through the blender we're just leaved it a little bit chunkier . this is going great this is great the way it is we going be using this here on some steaks is a finishing sauce or just something to dip it in or some chicken actually this would be even very good if we have a little bit of olive oil to it and use it as a dressing so this is going have a bunch of different uses for us , thank you and bon appétit .

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