By Jimmy Jenkins Ray Every computer user often uses the word broad band, but what is broadband? In the simplest form, broadband is broad band width, allowing high speed internet access. So, when you say you have a broadband internet service for your computer, you actually mean you have high speed internet access. Broadband does not work like the dial-up system, where a telephone connection is used to access the internet. In Dial up internet connection, you cannot use the telephone while online, since your telephone is busy. Broadband leaves the telephone free for use. Broader band with helps easy and more data space, so, you can download faster and even access the internet faster than before. One of the most prominent statistics is the broadband internet connection is capable of 64kilobites per second speed where as a dial -up connection can access at only 56 kilobits per second. Thus, the maximum download that you can access is more using a broadband service. Technology used i...